Pastor and Mrs. Harper on Schaeffer and Give to the Max

There were many reasons for why we decided to have our children educated at Schaeffer Academy such as the importance placed on academic excellence, the classical Christ-centered philosophy of education, the quality of the teachers, the opportunity and ease of getting connected with the wider Schaeffer community, the wisdom, experience, and sacrificial nature of the board, and the humility, wisdom, and commitment to God's grace of the headmaster. Through teaching the truth, beauty, and goodness of God and his creation, Schaeffer Academy taught our children how to think Christianly in every aspect of life. We can't think of a better way to prepare them for leaving the home and living as God's people in this world. We believe Schaeffer Academy is worthy of your prayer and financial support. And we would encourage you to consider supporting them financially on November 19th - Give to the Max Day.

Rev. Chris and Stephanie Harper

Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCA)

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The Long Family on Schaeffer and Give to the Max


Dr. and Mrs. Koster on Schaeffer and Give to the Max