Crest, Logo, Lion
Original Crest
This crest was styled after a heraldic coat of arms and designed to symbolize key aspects of our mission.
The unique and obscure font for Schaeffer Academy distinguishes it from the common and ordinary.
The Greek column with simple chapiter holding up the school’s initials and mascot symbolizes that our educational model is based on the classical Trivium.
The Latin words Veritas Vos Liberabit on the banner below the column are translated as “The truth will set you free.” These words of Jesus are found in John 8:32. As our school motto, they proclaim our belief that Christ is mankind’s only hope and Christ’s Word establishes the worldview which permeates our teaching.
This crest is used in all official academic materials.
New Logo
Inspired by Schaeffer’s original crest, the new logo is a simplified and compelling design for the digital age.
One of the heraldic lions from the original crest is featured prominently within a shield. This new shield logo maintains the classical and trustworthy values of Schaeffer while packaging them in a way that is both recognizable and digitally versatile.
This new logo will be incorporated into all digital marketing and online communications. It may also be used on printed promotional materials.
Athletic Lion
Though not taken directly from either the original crest or the new logo, this lion overlooks our gymnasium and has been utilized by Schaeffer athletics for several years.
The athletic lion’s face, with a closed mouth, evokes a sense of calm, quiet, self-controlled strength.
If you look carefully, you will see that Schaeffer Academy is spelled out in the lion’s mane.
The athletic lion is only used for athletic and extracurricular programs and activities. It is not used on official academic documents or materials.